Get in touch today.

I am currently accepting new clients, if you feel ready to invest in yourself and experience change I welcome your call or email.

Get in touch by calling 0871515349 or you can get in touch by filling out the contact form and we can arrange a time for a call before your first session.

Submit your message or query.

2 Locations


57 Dublin St, Townparks, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 AC81


7 Pembroke Street Upper, South, Dublin 2, D02 T681

9 am–8 pm

Pembroke Street, Dublin

7 Pembroke Street Upper, South, Dublin 2, D02 T681


Dundalk, Co. Louth

57 Dublin St, Townparks, Dundalk, Co. Louth, A91 AC81


Book your first session today

Contact: 087 1515349